DOD CDAO Office Unveils Open DAGIR Challenge

The challenge aims to enhance the Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE) by harnessing the full potential of the industrial base, enabling rapid application of industry solutions to meet warfighter requirements.
DOD CDAO Office Unveils Open DAGIR Challenge
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The Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) has recently launched the Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories (Open DAGIR) Challenge. 

The challenge is launched in partnership with the Office of Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E) Joint Fires Network (JFN) and the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU).

The Open DAGIR Challenge invites vendors to submit innovative solutions for logistics and sustainment in support of the Department's Combined Joint All Domain Command & Control (CJADC2) initiative. 

"We are thrilled about the recent adoption of Open DAGIR, which enables the Department to incentivize innovation by driving a competitive environment for data, analytics, and (AI) platforms, tools, and services," Col Matthew "Nomad" Strohmeyer, GIDE Mission Commander, said.

This Challenge aims to enhance the Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE) by harnessing the full potential of the industrial base, enabling rapid application of industry solutions to meet warfighter requirements.

According to DoD CDAO, the initiative could affect every Combatant Command, allowing warfighters to see industry solutions swiftly integrated into their challenges through a unified CJADC2 global decision-making platform.

Open DAGIR – short for Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories – represents a multi-vendor ecosystem with accompanying business models, facilitating the integration of data platforms, development tools, services, and applications for both industry and government.

"Open DAGIR builds upon the momentum created by the Deputy Secretary of Defense's 2021 Creating Data Advantage memo, which included five data decrees for how the Department would retain ownership of its data while maximizing data sharing,” Dr. Radha Plumb, the CDAO, earlier said.

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