Embracing AI - Pros, Cons, and the Challenge of Change

The rapid rise of AI has security leaders concerned. By using this new technology, threat actors can now create highly effective attacks at scale. There is no question that these breakthroughs are just the beginning, but executives must temper expectations and ensure a thoughtful approach to enabling AI tools that add more value than risk.

Hear from industry thought leaders on how cybercriminals are using AI to create their attacks, which types of attacks are likely to grow in volume and sophistication, opportunities and limitations in applying AI to security solutions, and get their perspective on real use cases.


  • Ben Blanquera, Rackspace Technology, Vice President

  • Susan Carroll-Boser, White Castle, CIO

  • Dan Clark, Abnormal Security, Sales Engineering

  • Michael Farrar, City of Westerville, CIO


  • Mick Leach, Abnormal Security, Field CISO

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