(US & Canada) | There Are Many Diversity Dimensions to Consider While Building Teams — Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Data and Analytics AVP

Bhavna Mehta, AVP Data and Analytics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, speaks with Asha Saxena, Founder and CEO, WLDA.Tech, in a video interview about the multiple dimensions of diversity, and her responsibility and role in enablement.

Speaking on diversity in teams, Mehta says that it has many dimensions like expertise, experience, education, and culture, among others. She emphasizes the importance of diverse expertise when forming AI governance councils or teams, and explains how implementing AI models requires input from various functional areas like legal, risk, HR, and finance to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Mehta further articulates her role in navigating technological advancements and enabling teams. She underscores the need for forging close partnerships with diverse functional units, spanning internal, technical, cloud, and business teams. These collaborations are essential not only for understanding the path to technological development but also for mitigating data quality issues. Mehta's focus centers on facilitating seamless data governance and platform utilization and driving collaboration.

In her capacity, Mehta oversees a multifaceted approach to enablement, which encompasses not only technical aspects but also procedural considerations. She encourages the promotion of collaborative communities of practice, where stakeholders get together to establish shared definitions, tackle data-related challenges, and celebrate collective victories.

Furthermore, she spearheads initiatives aimed at deploying cutting-edge analytic tools such as Power BI and integrating robust ERP, EPIC, and EMR systems. A significant aspect of Mehta's mandate involves nurturing specialized communities focused on data engineering, wherein discussions revolve around data virtualization, enterprise asset utilization, and the abstraction of complexity to better serve the organization's objectives.

By fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing, Mehta endeavors to harness the collective expertise within these communities to drive innovation and streamline processes. Additionally, she embraces the burgeoning realm of AI, collaborating closely with research faculties and HR teams to bridge operational and research divides, thereby maximizing the organization's potential in this domain.

Acknowledging the impact of her role within the broader organizational landscape, Mehta recognizes that she is but one part of a larger initiative. She attributes the progress to the collective efforts of her team and the unwavering support of organizational leaders who share a common vision.

CDO Magazine appreciates Bhavna Mehta for sharing her invaluable data insights with our global community.

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(US & Canada) | For Us, Diversity Means Equitable Outcomes for Children — Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Data and Analytics AVP
(US & Canada) | There Are Many Diversity Dimensions to Consider While Building Teams — Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Data and Analytics AVP

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