Midjourney has unveiled a new, updated version of its website. The AI art platform now contains a new editor interface that unifies various existing features such as inpainting (repainting parts of an image with new AI-generated visuals using text prompts), outpainting/canvas extension (stretching the boundaries of the image in different directions and filling the new space with new AI-generated visuals), and more into a single view.
In addition, the new web editor includes a new virtual “brush”-like tool for inpainting, replacing the previous square selector and lasso tools, which create more precision when it comes to leveraging AI to edit parts of a previously generated image.
Further, the new web editor is now live and accessible to all users who have created at least 10 images on the platform.
According to a Discord message received from Midjourney CEO David Holz, the goal is to make editing AI generations easier and more seamless.
Holz stated, “We think this makes editing your MJ images way more seamless than before and is a huge step forward.” The CEO expressed gratitude to the community for maintaining patience during the development process and urged users to explore the new capabilities provided by the editor.