China Introduces LLM Based on Xi Jinping’s Philosophy

The LLM is built on a select knowledge base with locally generated data and is not open-sourced, making it “secure and reliable.”
China Introduces LLM Based on Xi Jinping’s Philosophy
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China’s top internet regulator has introduced a large language model (LLM) based on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s political philosophy. According to a South China Morning Post report, the model is being developed by the China Cyberspace Research Institute and is currently being tested internally.

The LLM is built on a select knowledge base with locally generated data and is not open-sourced, making it “secure and reliable," the administration stated.

In addition to meeting a wide range of user needs, the model can answer questions, outline reports, summarize information, and translate between Chinese and English.

A post published on the administration’s WeChat account states that the core content of the LLM comprises the philosophy along with other selected cyberspace themes that align with the official government narrative.

“The professionalism and authority of the corpus ensure the professional quality of the generated content,” the administration reportedly said in the post.

The post further stated that the system is built upon pre-trained, government-sanctioned language models and is deployed solely on the China Cyberspace Research Institute’s servers, ensuring maximum data security.

While the model is not available for public use yet, it is open to “designated users by invitation.”

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