VIDEO | Genpact Chief Digital Officer: The World Needs Business People That Understand AI

VIDEO | Genpact Chief Digital Officer:  The World Needs Business People That Understand AI

(US and Canada) Genpact Chief Digital Officer Sanjay Srivastava speaks with Derek Strauss, Chairman of Gavroshe, in a video interview about how a data organization should choose projects and drive change.

Srivastava suggests that the best way to pick a project is to get the business completely engaged and involved. He says that the world needs business people that understand AI, and shares examples of manufacturing shop floor engineers that understands computer vision, financial analyst who understand pattern recognition, and customer support staff who can interact with conversational AI.

He explains that the value is generated because of the convergence of business and AI, and the combination of process nuance, industry knowledge, and domain depth.

When asked how organizations can drive culture change Srivastava points towards roles like the Chief Technology Officer, the Chief Data Officer, the Chief Digital Officer, the Chief Information Officer, and in some cases, the Chief AI Officer. He urges these leaders to look internally and understand the core mission statement of the organization.

They are responsible to come up with suggestions because of their understanding of the business, data, and AI capabilities. They also need to transition the organization away from a task-to-outcome approach to a data science project to business results approach.

Srivastava further urges data leaders to start now with AI and says that while the technology may not be perfect now, the early movers who invest in it will have a disproportionate advantage. He also suggests they engage the business side and get them to experience and sense the possibilities of AI and technology.

CDO Magazine appreciates Sanjay Srivastava for sharing his insights and data success stories with our global community.

See more from Sanjay Srivastava

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