To Be Inspired

To Be Inspired

While technological innovations provide new methods of accessible donation opportunities, there are so many causes worthy of assistance. How do donors choose which causes to support, and what compels donors to take action?

So Many Ways To Give

Visibility for charitable causes and  funding needs have never been higher. Teams and individuals can rally behind causes via crowdfunding applications and websites. Radio, TV, print, and billboard ads feature non-profits to support. Mobile users can quickly and easily text to give. Fundraising events and online promotions also provide easy access to support causes. In addition to donation buttons and forms on websites, non-profits have are able to network for donations through Facebook pages and YouTube videos. Donation links are often utilized all over social media, sometimes directing donors straight to payment methods and sometimes to event calendar postings.

While supporters are easily reached and have virtually unlimited donation opportunities, they are being inundated by appeals from a record number of non-profits and individuals needing support and assistance. The sheer volume of need is daunting.

What Does It Take?

It's easy to forget that even a small donation can make a difference. Would you consider this a challenge and donate $10 right now to the cause of your choice? Ten dollars is a lot to many, and nothing to some, but speaking as the co-founders of a charity, we know exactly how we would utilize that money down to the last cent.

The question that fascinates me is "What Does It Take?"

What is it about that singular moment that makes someone decide to donate? Is it a specific word, a nuanced look, or the sound of a voice? Do people have to wait until they feel their eyes start to well up, or until they feel goosebumps? Do they have to put themselves in someone else's shoes, visualizing themselves in a situation of need?

What is that tipping point, that threshold, when someone who is able to help -- with time, talent, resources, or connections -- is compelled to do so?

What would it take for you to donate, and how can the charity that suits your drive for giving best reach you, and best elicit your support?

Links, buttons, text-to-give keywords, and web sites won't work without people wanting to create change, to assist, and to make a difference.

Please share ways that might help us, The Dragonfly Foundation, and any other non-profit, receive help so we may help so many more.

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