(US & Canada) VIDEO | Compliance Is a Multi-Year Journey That Needs Patience — Osano Founding CEO

(US & Canada) VIDEO | Compliance Is a Multi-Year Journey That Needs Patience — Osano Founding CEO
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(US and Canada) Arlo Gilbert, Founding CEO of Osano, speaks with Della Shea, Country CDO Ambassador for Canada and Global Editorial Board Member of CDO Magazine, in a video interview about data privacy, leveraging automation, strategies to stay relevant, and the compliance journey.

Gilbert begins by stating that Osano provides customers with a suite of tools designed to aid them every step of the way in their data privacy journey. These tools range from consent management to subject rights management, data discovery, data mapping, and regulatory guidance.

Additionally, Osano follows a straightforward approach to what is right and the right way to do it, offering customers frameworks and expectations for rolling out the products. He shares how Osano helps customers build programs by increasing automation.

Further, Gilbert advocates for automation, believing it can save money and time. He offers solutions to aid companies in introducing automation, noting that manual processes such as spreadsheets and Jira workflows are less sufficient. He encourages customers to embrace automation, stating that it can prevent mistakes and free up talented professionals to focus on more value-driven tasks.

Moving forward, Gilbert states that privacy experts often focus on the words of regulations and might forget about their deeper intent for citizens. He emphasizes that perfection is impossible, and organizations should not let it block progress and instead start with the low-hanging fruit.

In addition, he suggests getting a rights management product and consent management in place, even if it is an internal process, to begin with. This will aid organizations in evaluating how things are going and adjusting their technology and personnel plans accordingly.

Furthermore, Gilbert is a big fan of having outside consultants assist in staying up-to-date with current best practices. He believes it can be challenging to achieve this internally with all the daily tasks that come with the job.

Therefore, he urges companies not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good and to start by setting simple and achievable goals with a clear timeline. He also cautions against expecting to reach compliance within a couple of weeks or months. Gilbert concludes by stating that compliance is a multi-year journey that requires patience and successful communication.

CDO Magazine appreciates Arlo Gilbert for sharing his invaluable insights with our global community.

See more from Arlo Gilbert

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