Afidence - The Foundation to Success with Bryan Hogan

Afidence - The Foundation to Success with Bryan Hogan

What is a technology victory that you have experienced? And what is a challenge?

One of our recent technology victories involved a school's systems support requirement. We reduced this expenditure by 50% through implementation of more efficient technology and processes, saving them over $2.3 million per year. The new technology and processes also increased overall service levels and network availability.

One ongoing challenge is helping clients understand the importance of securing the entire supply chain. Bad actors often try to find the path of least resistance by exploiting the weakest link in organizations, which often traces back to their supply chain.

What are your thoughts about tech talent for the future?

At Afidence, we first focus on soft skills when looking for talent. Technical skill can be taught, but a person's attitude and willingness to learn are foundational to success. The best consultants are also naturally curious; they are always looking for a better solution. People who are naturally curious and have a great attitude will be the ones who change the future of technology.

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