VIDEO | Business Intelligence & Data Manager: Getting Business Value Out of Everything We Do Is Crucial

Owen Tak, Manager of Business Intelligence & Data, speaks with Michael Schwarz, Resultant Senior Vice President, in a video interview about the disruption in the role of data leaders, influencing change in an organization, and the role of communication.
VIDEO | Business Intelligence & Data Manager: Getting Business Value Out of Everything We Do Is Crucial

(US and Canada) Owen Tak, Manager of Business Intelligence & Data, speaks with Michael Schwarz, Resultant Senior Vice President, in a video interview about the disruption in the role of data leaders, influencing change in an organization, and the role of communication.

Tak says the CDO and CAO roles were created in the early 2000s. They came from a technical background, and their job was transforming data into measurable business outcomes. He mentions that today, data leaders need more leadership and communication skills and need to be able to add business value.

According to Tak, there will be an overlap between technical and nontechnical roles, with the distinction disappearing altogether.

Tak emphasizes data must be viewed as an asset. He says that the only way for data and analytics officers to influence organizational change is to deliver business value. Data leaders must get business value out of everything they do. Tak emphasizes they can only move the data and analytics roles within the focus of the business through quick wins and proving the value of the data.

Tak believes a culture change can be considered when data leaders are considered part of C-level executive teams. He says that business executives must be kept informed and engaged to change the culture and bring data to the center.

Concluding, Tak says that initiatives often need to be better defined, and data leaders have to participate in meetings with an exploratory mindset to figure out ways to help and improve them.

CDO Magazine appreciates Owen Tak for sharing his insights and data success stories with our global community.

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