A recent global survey conducted by Google and Ipsos, as part of Google's Digital Futures Project, sheds light on worldwide attitudes toward AI. The study, titled "Our Life With AI," collected responses from over 17,000 participants across 17 countries including Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK, Brazil, India, Mexico, South Africa, and the UAE.
Key findings from the survey indicate optimism about AI, with 54% believing AI will benefit people like themselves. This positive outlook extends to expectations for personal health and well-being, where 52% anticipate a positive impact in the next five years. Countries like India (77%) and Mexico (75%) exhibit higher expectations for AI-driven health improvements.
AI’s Potential in different sectors
In assessing AI's potential impact on various sectors, the survey identifies medical breakthroughs as the top priority globally, garnering a significant 45% of respondents considering it very important. Security closely follows, with 42%, emphasizing the integral role AI can play in addressing national security and cybersecurity concerns. Climate change and research and development are also perceived as pivotal, scoring 37% and 36% importance, respectively.
Looking ahead 25 years, respondents express optimism, considering AI as a force for good in diverse spheres, from healthcare and education to quality of life and social issues. This positive outlook is particularly pronounced in emerging nations like Singapore (54% excited, 46% concerned) and Brazil (60% excited, 40% concerned).
The study also reveals that firsthand experience with AI applications increases excitement, with 68% of users globally expressing enthusiasm about its possibilities. Interestingly, AI usage varies by country, ranging from 20% in the United States to 49% in Singapore, with a global average of 38% reporting AI usage in the past year.
Moving on to the impact of AI on the workforce, 51% of workers across the 17 countries foresee a positive influence on their jobs within the next five years. However, contrary to general expectations, a majority (52%) globally believes AI-induced changes will enhance job efficiency. In countries like Mexico (68%), Brazil (62%), and Japan (56%), optimism about AI's job impact is particularly pronounced.
The study also throws light on the role of education in adapting to an AI-driven economy, with 44% of workers anticipating the need to learn AI skills. Meanwhile, concerns about job displacement lead 19% of workers to contemplate finding new roles or industries, a sentiment more pronounced among those without a college degree (21%) and lower-income individuals (22%).
As for integrating AI into society, respondents globally express a desire for an "innovative," "responsible," and "safe" approach. A resounding 78% agree that governments and technology companies should collaborate to oversee AI development, emphasizing the need for public-private partnerships.