VIDEO | Georgia Institute of Technology CIO: Data Excellence Builds the Foundation for Digital Excellence

VIDEO | Georgia Institute of Technology CIO: Data Excellence Builds the Foundation for Digital Excellence

(US and Canada) Daren Hubbard, VP Information Technology and Chief Information Officer of Georgia Institute of Technology, speaks with Katrina Adkins, Director of Education Solutions at SHI, in a video interview about the difference between data excellence and digital excellence and their impact on the faculty, staff, and operations on campus.

Hubbard says that there is some integration between data and digital excellence, and they are both driven by data. He explains that they differ because data excellence is an element of something else, while digital excellence is closer to the front end. Data excellence sets up the foundational work for successful digital excellence activities.

According to Hubbard, these initiatives benefit faculty and staff in various ways. They can focus on administrative support, help faculty members in their research initiatives, or monitor student performance. They can also provide good reporting for staff responsible for maintaining financial or administrative integrity.

Elaborating, Hubbard says that data excellence initiatives are already positively impacting operations such as responding to regular administrative needs. He maintains that investments in governance will allow the organization to fine-tune processes and ensure that people get the right information to make informed decisions.

Hubbard adds that the focus has also been on making sure that leaders, faculty, and students have access to the tools and good data that can be used to make good decisions.

Sharing his approach to involving the community, he says that a part of the data excellence strategy is to have a solid and growing community of practice. Hubbard mentions the “Data Days” initiative, a mini-conference of people from the campus and vendors with different focused discussions and training sessions. He sees the initiative as an opportunity to expand the footprint and access of the community to other members.

CDO Magazine appreciates Daren Hubbard for sharing his insights and data success stories with our global community.

See more from Daren Hubbard

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